Hey everyone,
I know I haven't created an obligatory "introduction" post yet, so I'll make sure I do that soon. Right now, I'd just like to share a tidbit of information about me...
I've always been the type of person who tries to analyze who I am, and why I am the way I am. I've taken (inaccurate) personality tests here and there for years now, and have never really found a test that actually made sense. The other day, I was browsing someone's blog, and came across one of his personal posts. In that post, I read that he describes himself as an INTJ (introverted intuitive thinking judging). He had a link to what exactly what that meant, and I was able to read about what type of people INTJs are. I read the whole description and thought I share a few of the same traits (as far as the introversion, and intuitiveness). I decided to take the free Myers-Briggs personality test for myself to see if I can get a near accurate evaluation. Instead of reading the normal inaccurate or nonsensical write up, I found that this test seemed very... scholarly, if that makes sense. I felt that this website had legit explanations and statistics, and examples to what the 16 personality profiles were. The test took me about 10 minutes, and it had a decent amount of questions that really allows the test taker to evaluate their experiences and thoughts when it came to certain situations. I took the test, and my results state that I am an INFP (introverted intuitive feeling prospecting). Check out everything I've pasted from the website and read all about the personality of an INFP.
INFPs are categorized under one of four type groups, the Diplomats. Here is a description:
"Type Groups:
A group of Intuitive and Feeling personality types – Diplomats focus on empathy and cooperation, shining in diplomacy and counselling. People belonging to this type group are cooperative and imaginative, often playing the role of harmonizers in their workplace or social circles. These traits make Diplomats warm, empathic and influential individuals, but also cause issues when there is a need to rely exclusively on cold rationality or make difficult decisions".
Then, there is a breakdown of the personality traits (the I, N, F, and P of INFP). There are four categories of traits: Mind, Energy, Nature, and Tactics.
"Personality traits explained:
Introverted (I) – prefer solitary activities, think before speaking, get exhausted by social interaction.
Intuitive (N) – imaginative, rely on their intuition, absorbed in ideas, focus on what might happen.
Feeling (F) – sensitive, follow their hearts, focus on harmony and cooperation.
Prospecting (P) – very good at improvising, prefer keeping their options open, relaxed about their work, seek freedom."
This last trait has nothing to do with the type groups or the personality traits. I believe I possess more of a turbulent identity.
(no effect on the type name)
Assertive – emotionally stable, calm, relaxed, refuse to worry too much.
Turbulent – self-conscious, care about their image, success-driven, perfectionists."
Here's the link to the website!!
I personally feel that this has helped me better understand my personality. I've been questioned and judged my whole life because I was always shy and introverted. I never liked large social gatherings, ESPECIALLY parties (another reason is because I don't enjoy mainstream music, nor do I like dancing to it... even though I can't really dance anyway). Since I never liked mainstream music, people thought (and still think) I'm weird. Whenever I had to go anywhere, I usually brought a book or my Gameboy Color and later my Nintendo DS... so I was a bookworm and a video game lover, and I also loved playing chess and was on my school's bowling team, since I'm not athletic (so I was basically a geek to the general public). I HATE being the center of attention, and I've always preferred being in the background. I am very open and loving towards the general public, but I always keep a distance. With my friends and family, I am extremely affectionate and chatty, but at the same time, I don't like to share a lot of information about me (only very few people know my "life story"). My greatest form of communication has always been through my writing, as I've been a writer/poet ever since I was in grade school. It is very difficult for me to completely express myself when speaking to people, because I need to make sure I thoroughly think my words through. I often stutter or mumble when speaking, especially when put on the spot. My teachers from grade school until high school have made sure to tell my parents that I need to speak up more in class. Whenever I do, I keep my explanations short and I try my hardest to get to the point without confusing anyone (because when I get nervous, my words become jumbled and I'd have to explain what I'm trying to talk about over and over again).
I'm actually a music industry major in college, and a lot of people have questioned why I have chosen the music industry as a career goal. They know that I am a quiet, timid, unassertive young woman, so they think that I need to toughen up before I get into the field. I've known about these clashes for a long time now, and I agree that I do need to become more assertive. I'm just a pushover!! Haha. In the music industry (I'm referencing more of the business aspect, like becoming a manager or CEO of a record label), the major way people advance is by networking. For the most part, I know how to network, because I feel that I am an open person (to an extent). It is quite easy for me to introduce myself and speak to new people. It is just a bit harder because I still get nervous and make sure I have whole paragraphs planned out in my head, or else I shut down... and don't even ask me about interviews!!! It's just rough. I think the only things that have allowed me to be a friendly and open person is my "feeling" nature. I am an extremely sensitive person, and I despise confrontation. I can always find the good in people, and I just wish for peace and harmony. This has actually allowed me to adapt to difficult situations, because I've been able to make myself understand or relate to very different individuals. It's a bit easier for me to find something in a person that I can relate to, so I can help them to feel a bit more comfortable with me. I have no idea how, but it has saved my butt and allowed me to establish friendships I'd never thought I'd have.
I also am a person that is very deep into their thoughts. I like to say that I have a vivid imagination, and I always think into the future. I always think of the consequences to every single action I take, and even though many of my actions result in me either being broke or under pressure to complete something, I try to stay away from the "shoulda woulda coulda" mindset. I know that it is too late after I've done something or gone somewhere. I tend to keep moving and think about the next steps that I could potentially make. I feel that I am sort of a free spirit, and I am never dead set on one decision. I always keep my options open, because there's plenty of other things that could happen within a short amount of time. I just recently started making a schedule for organization purposes, but that isn't really working. Since I tend to go with the flow, I often forget about the things that I really should be doing or the places I have to go. I'm working on that, though. Such is the life of an INFP!
Thanks for taking the time to read a little bit about me!
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