Sunday, September 13, 2015

This is just a personal entry that I needed to get out for my own health.

I know I'm quiet and reserved on most occasions. My energy depletes faster when I'm around people versus when I'm alone. That is how most introverts feel on a day to day basis. I don't say much, or talk much, but on the inside, my thoughts and ideas manifest at a rate to where I cannot focus on one thing at a time. And when it's my time to speak, my anxiety gets the best of me and I have the tendency to shut down and not sound as coherent or direct as I'm supposed to be. This usually makes me feel like I don't know enough to really talk about... anything. But I'm like a sponge; I observe and absorb information 24/7 365 as everyone else does.  I know a lot more than I would have ever imagined at this point of my life, but I feel uncomfortable when people observe that. I'm very timid, and I don't like to show off whatsoever. If attention is focused on me for too long, I get more and more nervous by the minute. I'm a backstage person rather than the center of attention. But I now I'm working on building and focusing on that for the benefit of my spirit and the positivity I manifest when knowledge and wisdom turn into understanding. It's just uncomfortable for me to let people know that I know of and about a tiny bit of the world. One of my default responses to questions I don't feel comfortable addressing is "I don't know". But I do know. I just don't know how to explain it properly without getting nervous and making sure all the pieces of the puzzle are there. I also have to deal with the fact that I usually get cut off or completely ignored since I'm so soft spoken. So this also plays a part in my comfort level when speaking because it's been happening to me with my peers ever since I could remember. I'm always wondering if I'm going to be heard when I actually have something that needs to be said.

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